What’s worse: going to the doctor or going to the dentist? I think I’m more scared of a dentist now, but as a child, I was TERRIFIED of the doctor’s office. I used to hide behind the couch whenever my pops announced that it was time for my doctor’s appointment in hopes that he wouldn’t find me and I’d miss my appointment. Now, I have to drive myself to my own appointments. Shucks.
I’ve been going to the doctor’s office a lot lately. I had to be referred to a specialist on my last visit, and it was the worst experience I’ve ever had. You’d think that becoming a doctor would include having social skills and a friendly bedside manner. Nope. Not for this gal. We’ll call her Dr. Cold Hearted.
Long story short, I’ve had a growing lump on my neck for the past six months and my doctor wanted to have it biopsied because she wasn’t comfortable with the size. It started out as an enlarged lymph node the size of a pea and now, it’s about the size of three fingers across with about three other enlarged lymph nodes surrounding it. It’s been five weeks since it got huge and the lump still hasn’t gone down.
Weird, right? It’s also a little unsettling because of the size. Anyways, I went to an ENT, Dr. Cold Hearted. I sat in the waiting room for 40 minutes for her to see me for 5 minutes. She felt it, noted that it was a lot larger than a regular lymph node, and then told me she didn’t want to do anything because it didn’t “excite” her just yet. That’s right, she referred to my possible cancer lump as something “exciting.” She wanted me to wait for another month to see what would happen.
Here’s the kicker. She told me, “Because of your thinner size, the lump stands out a lot more. If you were fatter, you wouldn’t feel anything.” Who says that?! She then told me not to Google anything for the next month because it could freak me out. Obviously, I did that way before I came to see her and saw all the possible things that it could be. When I told Dr. Cold Hearted that the last time I did that, I diagnosed myself with appendicitis, went to the doctor, and had my appendix taken out that night, she was almost pissed off at me for being right that one time. That may have been a once in a blue moon kind of thing for being right, but that’s her job to find out! She didn’t do it, so what am I supposed to do now?
So, back to my doctor I went. And now I have another appointment with a different ENT doctor in a week. Until then, I’ll sit here twiddling my fingers. Ufffffffff. If you’re curious, this is what it looks like (picture on the left is from five weeks ago, the one on the right is current):
Sorry if that’s kind of gross. It is. Does anyone want to diagnose me? Thanks, internet! Hah. 🙂
Oh, but hey, make this fried rice. I’ve been making it for as long as I’ve been cooking (which isn’t very long, but still). It’s easy and a great filler.
- 2 chicken breasts, cut into chunks
- 1 tablespoon olive oil
- 2 teaspoons minced garlic
- 1/4 red onion, chopped
- 4-5 cups cooked rice
- 2 eggs
- 2 tablespoons oyster sauce
- 1 teaspoon garlic salt
- pepper, to taste
- chopped cilantro for topping (optional)
- In a large skillet over medium high heat, add in the olive oil, garlic, onion, and chicken until the chicken is thoroughly cooked through.
- Add in the cooked rice and toss.
- Scramble the eggs in a bowl. Move the rice to the side of the pan and pour the eggs in, mixing constantly.
- Once the eggs are cooked, add in the oyster sauce, garlic sauce, and pepper while continuously tossing. Taste and adjust to liking.
- Serve with chopped cilantro on top, if using.