So I accidentally left a batch of these in the oven (not the ones pictured, obviously) while I was helping my dad configure the internet connection at home. There was a problem and we were on the phone with linksys for FOREVER (if you’ve set up your own internet connection before, then you know how that is). Since I was on the phone talking to a linksys representative, I didn’t hear the oven go off. My mom turned off the oven but never took the batch of cookies out, leaving them to cook some more until I was done helping my dad. When I finally took the cookies out of the oven, they were done for… hard cookies. OH NO! I hate hard cookies! I always like them to be perfectly soft and dense. Good thing I’m dating a boy who enjoys eating hard cookies just as much as he enjoys eating the soft ones.
I actually tried the hard ones and believe it or not, I thought they tasted better than the ones that came out of the oven on time! Maybe the combination of chocolate chip, finely chopped walnuts, and vietnamese coffee is perfect for burnt cookies. I ended up using a Vietnamese instant coffee packet in this rather than regular Folger’s instant coffee granules because that’s all I had on hand.
Do you have the recipe for these? 🙂