Everyone who knows me knows that I don’t cook very much at all. I’d take baking over cooking any day. I figured that I’d better start cooking since every girl (along with every guy) needs to know how to make something when the time calls for it. I kinda cheat and blend my cooking into baking. If it involves an oven, I can do it… stove top, not so much.
Well, I had my boyfriend over for dinner the other day and made him pizza. It’s really the easiest thing to make. People are usually afraid of making homemade pizza because of the dough. In reality, the dough is simple, it just requires a bit of time and muscle. After that, you just slab on some pizza sauce and whatever toppings your heart desires (including plenty of mozzarella cheese!). I put mushrooms and bell peppers on my side, tomatoes and pepperoni on his side. There you have it! Dinner in a jiffy.
looks great!